Poker Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for Playing in a Friendly and Respectful Manner
Poker Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for Playing in a Friendly and Respectful Manner Poker Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts for Playing in a Friendly and Respectful Manner The Dos of Poker Etiquette 1. Be polite and respectful to other players. Remember that poker is a social game, and it's important to maintain a friendly atmosphere at the table. 2. Always act in turn. Don't interrupt or talk over other players while it's their time to make a decision. 3. Keep your emotions in check. Avoid taunting or gloating when you win a hand, and don't let frustration get the best of you when you lose. 4. Be mindful of your language. Avoid using offensive or derogatory language that could be hurtful to other players. 5. Tip the dealer. It's customary to tip the dealer when you win a hand or pot, as they work hard to keep the game running smoothly. The Don'ts of Poker Etiquette 1. Don't be a sore loser.…